Mark and Marj Weaver
Mark and Marj Weaver live near Ladysmith, WI, where Mark works as a logger with his dad. They have six children—Cheryl, Kenton (Renita), Stephanie (Dallas), Brandon, Jordan, and Jenita (Jeff)—as well as three grandchildren. They are members of Sheldon Mennonite Church and passionate about working with others.
“We believe that the body of Christ is full of people who are willing and able to help build in the Kingdom of Heaven if they are given a place to use their talents and some tools to work with to fulfill their purpose. We love to watch hope pouring into dark places, lives being restored, and believers learning to love Jesus fervently and walk beside others who need Him too!”

“Life has continued to be a journey,” they share. “We are understanding in new ways how to link shields with others as we pray through difficult times… God has been faithful!”
Mike and VaLita Beckett
Mike and VaLita Beckett live in Blooming Prairie, MN, and have five children: Autumn, Alexis, Amy, Aleaha, and John. Mike drives semi for Mahr Trucking hauling feed to farms, and they are members of Prairie Mennonite Church with homeschooling being a big part of their lives. Their vision for the need of a girl’s camp has a lot do with VaLita’s personal story of searching for answers in her own life while she was in her teens and twenties. This led to her beginning “Daughters of Promise”, an annual one-day retreat for young ladies. But one year, after hearing of the pain that many girls were dealing with, she came home saying to her husband, Mike, “Something has to happen! We have nothing to offer these girls for long-term help!” They knew this was too big to tackle alone, and, in miraculous ways, God brought people to walk alongside of them as the vision for this ministry began to take shape.
Luke and Cheryl Stoltzfus
Luke and Cheryl Stolzfus live in Northwestern Wisconsin with their six children: Kaitlyn, Darin, Kendra, Kelly, Kristen, and Kiana. They are members at Sheldon Mennonite Church where Luke was ordained as a deacon in September 2020.

Matt and Sylvia Stoltzfus
Matt and Sylvia Stoltzfus make their home in Marshfield, WI with their five children: Ryan, Andrea, Jadon, Todd, and Emily. Matt works in the real estate business and they are members of Bethany Mennonite Church.
“We understand how life can deal some hard blows either by personal choices or choices of other people, and we are excited to share our journey of faith with others who are looking for healing.”
Joshua and Ariana Hess
Joshua and Ariana Hess live in Thorp WI with their little daughter Emmaline. They are members of Cornerstone Chapel in Dorchester WI.
“We are looking for ways to help out where we can in the communities around us and use the experiences and gifts we have been given for God's Kingdom.”