We believe

In the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through the redemptive work of Jesus on the Cross.

There is no person or situation that is too broken for Jesus to heal and transform.

Every soul has immeasurable value in God’s eyes. Every life has purpose. Every story has the potential to be written differently than the Enemy intended.

God specializes in redemption and restoration, and always provides a way for His people to participate in that work.

The Body of Christ is commissioned by Jesus to work together to proclaim His name, teach others His ways, restore sight to the spiritually blind, open the prison doors to those who are captives, comfort the brokenhearted and feeble-minded, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, take in the stranger, and minister to those who are oppressed.

The Church is made up of individuals that are enabled by the Lord to meet the spiritual, physical emotional needs around them.

Jesus calls all who truly love Him to “Feed His sheep”…particularly the ones that are considered the ‘least of these”.

People learn best through mentoring and discipleship, as Christ modeled for us, because they can see the gospel lived out daily in tangible and practical ways.

Strong families are imperative for the growth of His Kingdom. As we teach and train, build up and restore believers in this generation, we are making investments for the future of the Church for years to come.

Spiritual growth is both individual and collective. As individuals connect and are in relationship with Christ and others, the net result is more victory and freedom as a group. The ripple effects have tremendous potential in our homes and churches.

Therefore we

Will aim to model Christ’s unconditional love and amazing grace in every interaction with every individual we work with.

Will seek to help girls/young women deal with and work through life’s difficult challenges by giving them practical biblical guidance in a structured, wholesome environment.

Will provide resources, training and education for fellow Christians to be confident in reaching out to the struggling souls around them.

Will create peaceful and quiet retreats (furnished cabins filled with sound biblical resources and study materials) for individuals or couples who need time alone to wrestle with God for answers/direction in their lives.

Will provide safe and secure places for individuals in our Anabaptist communities to learn to know the Lord and understand His grace in a deeper and more intimate way.

Will offer wilderness journeys/canoe trips for girls and boys (separate, not co-mingled) to develop character, practice teamwork and provide an opportunity to work one on one with mature, godly mentors and team leaders.

Will build and maintain relationships with a network of other believers, advocates and established facilities to provide hope and help for needs that we aren’t equipped to address. We will seek to partner with and learn from others who have the same goals and aspirations that we do.

Will endeavor to work together with church leaders and parents to bring hope and healing to the hurting in our churches.

Will follow scriptural directives to “warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak”. 1 Thess. 5:14 and Acts 20:35

Will promote and facilitate fellowship and connection for believers who are seeking freedom from addictions and strongholds, or ones who desire accountability as a way to maintain victory in their lives.